I am happy to report that if you are one of those old-fashioned readers who still likes to have a book to hold and flip pages, you can get a copy of Heroes in paperback. It is available now on Amazon through their Create Space imprint. Due to the size of the book, Create Space had a minimum price. I wish I could have made it available for less. In any event, it is available to order. I am working on a paperback version of Smoke right now. I hope to have that available within a couple of weeks. Paperback versions of Exile and City of the Dead should follow over the summer. Then I have to start work on getting Harvest out in both Ebook and paperback versions. Don't look for that to happen until the fall.
I want to thank Teddi Black for her outstanding work on the paperback cover of Heroes. She will be doing the other paperback covers as well. If you need any sort of design work, be sure to find her on Elance. I would also like to thank Donna Robbins, a dear friend from childhood. Donna helped me with the process of getting Heroes into the proper format for Create Space. She just published a fine romance novel on Amazon called Hope For All Seasons. Go and get a copy of it. I'm sure you will enjoy it. Not only that, you will be aiding an outstanding charity.